PinnedThermoaesthetics: Life in Terms of the NonlivingA concept of aesthetic complexity based on universal animal preferences for mixtures of more and less exciting physical and psychological…Feb 25, 202412Feb 25, 202412
Perceptual Excitement and Eysenck’s Mechanism of PersonalityEysenck’s theory of introvert versus extrovert behavior and arousal can be used to determine the relative excitingness of various primitive…Jul 24, 20247Jul 24, 20247
Monoaesthetic Mixtures in Language, Culture and BiologyVarious idiomatic expressions, cultural creations and biological traits have been selected for due to the amusing, contradictory way in…May 13, 20241May 13, 20241
Rainbows in the Animal BrainStudies show increasing arousal levels in humans responding to the perception of increasing wavelengths of light, from blue to green to…Jun 28, 202213Jun 28, 202213
Time is BoringIdiomatic expressions indicate that we find time to be an un-arousing concept, in need of association with exciting things to make it more…May 10, 20225May 10, 20225
Concepts of Form are Coupled with Exciting Qualities in LanguageConcepts related to form are mixed in aesthetic expressions with those related to excitement, indicating that form belongs to a mental…May 5, 20223May 5, 20223
Brain Temperature and Animal ColorationThe hue-heat effect, interpreted as a universal preference for darker colors in hotter environments and brighter colors in colder…Apr 17, 20221Apr 17, 20221
Rapid Eye Movements and Brain HeatRapid, random eye movements during sleep are probably related to increased temperature in eye-connected parts of the brain, or the speed…Mar 26, 20224Mar 26, 20224
Disruptions of Roundness in Language, Poetry and CultureHumans are strangely obsessed with the perceptual and conceptual disruption of round things, especially eyes. Evidence for this is…Feb 23, 20221Feb 23, 20221
Consciousness and Liquid CrystalsConsciousness is probably related to the liquid crystalline physical state of animal brains.Feb 19, 20221Feb 19, 20221